Spotlight: Fort Smith coffee shop hosts flu clinic

Blog Post

Chris Westwell, owner of the new coffee shop in Fort Smith called JavaPunks, collaborated with the NTHSSA to host a flu clinic in early November. Chris thought to have the clinic present while people are on breaks or grabbing a drink and provide a casual and open space for the public to have the opportunity to get a vaccine.

“I think it was convenient for people to not have to think about arranging extra time to get a flu shot and it helped to be in a spot where people usually go. Shoutout to everyone at public health, especially Melanie and Ann – huge thanks to them in helping organize this and have the clinic on a Saturday.”

Officially opening in September, JavaPunks was delayed for the past two years due to the pandemic and small setbacks. “I want the mission of this coffee shop to have the ability to provide space and do things for the community. A long time ago, you would see a flu shot clinic at grocery stores, colleges, and common areas where people would go to and this is one of many things that I wanted to have something like that again at the coffee shop for the community.”

“We had really good reception from the public for this event and they were glad that they were able to get a flu shot while grabbing a coffee. It was a good way to have a clinic in a more casual atmosphere at a convenient location. I’m glad to have been able to support those working in healthcare and I look forward to doing more events and initiatives like this that benefit the community.”

Remember, Flu and COVID-19 vaccines continue to be available in the NWT, and as we are seeing continued rises in respiratory viruses in our communities getting vaccinated is a simple way you can protect yourself against more severe illness.

For residents in Yellowknife, vaccination bookings are available here.

For residents outside Yellowknife, please contact your local health centre.