Adult Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Clinic

The Adult FASD Diagnostic Clinic is designed to diagnose and support adults across the Northwest Territories who had prenatal exposure to alcohol by developing and implementing appropriate intervention strategies for those adults diagnosed with FASD and their support network.

The main goal of the Adult FASD Diagnostic clinic will be to provide assessments on how a patient’s individual brain functions, which furnishes the Diagnostic team with the information needed to put patient-specific, effective supports in place that meets the needs of that individual.  Additionally the clinic will work to increase public exposure and awareness of FASD, encourage empathic understanding of individuals who have been diagnosed, and educate on their needs and the realities of the condition.

Who is Eligible for this service?

The clinic will work with any individual who suspects they may have had prenatal alcohol exposure and/or feels they need supports to build on their strengths. Referral to the clinic is a voluntary process, and clients can withdraw their consent and participation in the clinic at any time.

Referrals to the Adult FASD Diagnostic Clinic can be made by a Health and Social Services Worker, government and non-governmental organizations, family members, or as a self-referral. Referral forms are accessed through the NTHSSA website, Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or by contacting the Adult FASD Program Coordinator.

The Adult FASD Program Coordinator will follow up with individuals and their supports as needed within the first year to ensure recommended supports are in place. Follow up by the Adult FASD Program Coordinator is done in the individual’s home community and conferences are set with community supports (e.g. employer, family or others) as recommended.

If you are a person who suspects that you were prenatally exposed to alcohol, you can ask your health care provider to connect you with the Adult FASD Program Coordinator or you can contact the Coordinator yourself. 
You can contact the Adult FASD Program Coordinator directly via email at or by phone at (867) 446-3522.

No Cost.

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