Annual General Meeting
The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority will be hosting its Annual General Meeting for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. This event is open to the public.
When: August 25, 2020; 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: This meeting can be joined virtually. Visit for connection details
- The Leadership Council members and NTHSSA Executive will attend this meeting in person. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the public are invited to join this meeting virtually, either by video or phone:
To join by video visit The link to the live stream of this event will be added to this page on the day of AGM.
Phone: Teleconference is available at 1-800-303-7189 Conference ID 3959011
NOTE: Teleconferece is for obeserving the meeting only, if you have questons or issues you want to communciate to the leadership counicl please email them to and they will be forwarded.
Supporting Documents:
Leadership Council Meeting
After the AGM, the next two days the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council is holding a board meeting that is open to the public.
When: August 26-27, 2020; 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Where: This meeting can be joined by teleconference at 1-800-303-7189 Conference ID 3959011.
The Leadership Council is the governing body of the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority. While the meeting runs for two days, different topics will be discussed at different times. We encourage you to review the meeting agenda for more information about what topics you may want to dial in for. For more information about the Leadership Council or this meeting please contact 867-767-9090 ext. 40000, or click the below links:
Supporting Documents: