Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council Meeting And Annual General Meeting Held In Inuvik


(Inuvik – October 7, 2024) - The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council (the Council) held a regular quarterly Leadership Council (LC) meeting and the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) 2023-24 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Inuvik, Northwest Territories on September 18-19.

Leadership Council Meeting

At the 2-day leadership council meeting, discussion topics were themed on reflecting on the work in health and social services over the past year, and hearing the latest updates about progress on work that advances key priorities in 2024-25.

Status reports were shared from each of the regions and Council members raised several common themes challenging the health and social services system and communities. Specifically illegal drugs – associated crime – and the mental health and addictions challenges that are compounded by these issues are impacting all communities and all regions. Council members recognized that health and social services has a role to play specific to mental health and addictions support and education – but that solutions require broader collaboration between agencies, communities, and law enforcement – and called for an all-of-government approach to addressing these issues.

Staff from the Department of Health and Social Services Indigenous Health and Community Wellness Division provided a presentation about the Indigenous Advisory Body, which informs health and social services system change through collaboration with indigenous governments and organizations.

The Council was pleased to review the work of the NWT Cultural Safety Design Collaborative, part of the NWT efforts contributing to a series of national projects supported by Healthcare Excellence Canada.  Racism experienced by First Nations, Inuit and Métis in healthcare systems is a significant patient safety and quality issue, and healthcare organizations are increasingly recognizing the need to address systemic racism and improve cultural safety. The NWT project team includes staff of the NTHSSA Office of Client Experience, who hear directly from patients about their experiences in the NWT healthcare system.

Council members noted that the work that has happened to position the NWT HSS system for change and improved care for indigenous peoples is positive; but that the efforts must be sustained and resourced to ensure long term improvements are achieved to the benefit of all NWT residents.  

A common thread during all discussions emphasized the importance of focusing on the people working within the system. Retaining and recruiting staff to ensure our system is fully resourced to serve the public remains a top priority. The Leadership Council and NTHSSA are committed to engaging staff to understand their concerns and taking action to address them.

Annual General Meeting

On the evening of September 18, the Leadership Council hosted their Annual General Meeting and approved the 2023-2024 NTHSSA Annual Report.  Members of the public, community leadership, and media were invited to attend. The Council appreciated the significant turn-out and the opportunity to hear from the public to share their experiences and ask questions.

A copy of the 2023-2024 NTHSSA Annual Report – presented at the meeting - can be found online here.

Looking Ahead

In the year ahead the Leadership Council, as the Board of Management for the NTHSSA, will work closely with system leadership to ensure sustained efforts on key priorities such as cultural safety, system sustainability, and overall system quality improvement.

Health and social services are important to NWT residents. The Council expects these programs and services to continue to be at the forefront of public and political discussions as the system continues to face challenges related to mounting demand, and ongoing shortages of qualified professional. The Leadership Council will collaborate with system leaders to work closely with the Premier’s newly established System Sustainability Unit to continue finding areas where the system can be more efficient or innovative while uncovering and addressing service scope and funding gaps.

The LC continues to seek ways to enhance public input in matters related to health and social services and looks forward to providing future updates. Residents were encouraged to attend future meetings of their Regional Wellness Councils or Leadership Council; dates for upcoming meetings can be found online here.


“I want to thank everyone who was able to join us for our regular quarterly meeting and Annual General Meeting. Seeing and hearing from members of the community was a highlight of this event for myself and the leadership council. I would like to recognize the staff at the NTHSSA for their contributions over the past year, the annual report speaks volumes to the good work done and I encourage everyone to review it.”

  • Mr. Gerry Cheezie, Chair, Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Leadership Council


For more information on the governance structure of the NTHSSA, please visit: Governance | Health and Social Services Authority (

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The Leadership Council is the Board of Management for the Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) and is comprised of a Chairperson and Regional Wellness Council Chairs (RWC) from across the Northwest Territories (NWT). Together, they work to provide focused and accountable solution-driven leadership that empowers the NTHSSA to improve patient and client care. The Council also provides advice to the Minister of Health and Social Services (HSS) on policy matters related to health and social services.

Media Information:

Gerry Cheezie, Chair of the Leadership Council will be available to speak to media about the Councils work. To coordinate an interview please contact:

NTHSSA Communications