Public Notice - Behchoko Evacuation Support Update

Public Notice

(Yellowknife – August 4th, 2023) - On August 4th, 2023 at 5PM the Evacuation Reception Centre at the Yellowknife Multiplex will close as evacuees from Behchoko return to the community. This will also include stand-down of additional health services provided at the evacuation centre and Yellowknife Primary care clinics for Behchoko residents. 

The lifted evacuation order does not include residents of Frank Channel. Residents of Frank Channel that need evacuation supports in Yellowknife until the evacuation order is lifted need to identify themselves and their needs at the Registration or Administration Desk at the Multiplex or call 867-446-2023.

The Marie Adele Bishop health centre in Behchoko is in the process of reinstating services. Emergency and Ambulance services will be available and through the weekend the Health centre will remain on emergency services only, with full services resuming  Tuesday, August 8th, 2023

The NTHSSA would like to express gratitude to those involved in supporting the evacuation response. This includes partners at the Tlicho Government, Tlicho Community Services Agency, and City of Yellowknife, and all of the NTHSSA staff who once again went above-and-beyond to coordinate these services urgently and effectively, and to everyone who reached out to help and pitch in to support Behchoko residents during their time of need.