Public Notice: 2023 Cancer Care Patient Satisfaction Survey Results

Public Notice

(Yellowknife, November 8, 2024) - The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) would like to share the results of the 2023 Cancer Care Patient Satisfaction Survey. The survey is distributed to patients across the Northwest Territories with the goal of receiving feedback on the NTHSSA programs and services accessed by patients. Some of those programs include the cancer navigation program, medical oncology clinics, chemotherapy unit, and medical travel.

The survey was shared with 308 patients across the territory between January 2023 and April 2023. Survey participants included those who experienced active cancer treatment in 2022. 

Some of the highlights of the report include: 

  • 100% of people felt comfortable talking with the Cancer Navigation Team regarding their questions or concerns, and 98% felt they were helpful answering their questions and concerns.
  • 100% of people rated the quality of care at the Stanton Territorial Hospital Chemotherapy Unit and/or NTHSSA Medical Oncology Clinics good or excellent. 93% of people felt comfortable talking with their care providers about complementary, alternative, or traditional and non-traditional therapies. 
  • 75% of people felt supported by the medical travel program/ personal medical benefits.
  • 72% of people experienced pain from their cancer, and of those people 100% felt their care provider did everything to help them manage their pain or discomfort. 

The NTHSSA would like to thank everyone who participated and provided feedback. The information collected through this survey will assist the NTHSSA cancer care programs and services teams in identifying areas for continuous quality improvement. The next survey is planned for early 2025. 

For more information or to view the full infographic, visit: