Public Notice
(Yellowknife - July 6, 2022) – The Stanton Territorial Hospital Operating Room will be reduced to emergency services only from July 18-22, 2022. This means that any surgeries previously booked during this time frame will be cancelled, but the operating room will continue to be available to take urgent or emergent cases.
This closure is happening due to physician staffing shortages in other parts of the health system. Post-pandemic, Emergency Department physician recruitment has become extremely challenging, and Stanton is facing a shortage of qualified Emergency Department physicians during July and August. Reducing services in the Operating Room from July 18-22nd will allow qualified operating room physicians to be redeployed to ensure continuous staffing in the Stanton Emergency Department.
Previously it was announced that the NTHSSA would be experiencing low staffing levels throughout the summer months, that service reductions and closures could be expected throughout the summer, and that these would be announced as soon as they were identified. This closure is happening in correlation with these previously identified staffing challenges.
The NTHSSA will continue to work to proactively identify service impacts and provide residents with notice of service changes with as much advance notice as possible. As always; residents can check the status of service levels at
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Giovanetto
Communications and Marketing Officer
Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority
T. 867-767-9107, ext. 40153