Yellowknife Public Health Unit
The role of the Yellowknife Public Health Unit is to promote health and education, and to prevent communicable and chronic illness across the lifespan.
The Yellowknife Public Health Unit is located at the following address:
Jan Stirling Building
4702 Franklin Ave - please use the Franklin Ave entrance
Phone: (867) 767-9120
Fax: (867) 873-0158
The Yellowknife Public Health Unit offers a variety of services:
Protect yourself and your family from illness. Make sure your immunizations are up to date. To see the routine schedule for the NWT please refer to the information provided by the Department of Health and Social Services. All childhood and adult immunizations are given at the Yellowknife Public Health Unit.
Call 920-6570 to book an appointment.
To learn more about childhood and adult immunizations, please visit:
Travel Health Clinic
Do you know what diseases and health risks exist in the country you are visiting? Are your immunizations are up to date?
The Yellowknife Public Health Unit offers travel health clinics throughout the week. Be prepared, and book your appointment when you book your travel. You may need eight (8) weeks or longer to complete a set of vaccinations. It is important to make an appointment at least 12 weeks ahead of your travel date. As appointments are limited, book early.
There is a fee for a travel consultation as well as costs for travel immunizations. Routine adult vaccines are covered under the NWT Health Care Plan according to the NWT immunization schedule. For more information and to book your appointment call the Yellowknife Public Health Unit.
For more information on travel, please visit:
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- The Government of Canada website for Canadians travelling or living abroad
- HealthLinkBC
- World Health Organization - Immunization Monitoring
- International Association for Assistance to Travellers
- Travel Doctor
Sexually Transmitted Infections
If you are worried that you might have an STI call the Yellowknife Primary Care Centre. Ask for an appointment with the STI Nurse. A physician or nurse practitioner can also provide STI testing. This is a free and private service that provides:
- STI Screening & treatment
- HIV testing
- Hepatitis testing
- Health teaching
- Birth control options
- Emergency contraception
- Free condoms and lube
- Referrals as needed.
Tuberculosis (TB)
For reliable information about TB visit:
- GNWT Department of Health and Social Service: About Tuberculosi
- Government of Canada: Tuberculosis (TB)
Kindergarten Screening
The Yellowknife Public Health Unit offers a Kindergarten Screening program. The program includes vision and hearing screening, and an assessment of a child's speech. Immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and polio will also be done if the child is due for this needle.
If you have moved from a different province or territory additional vaccines may be due. For more information and to book an appointment, contact the Yellowknife Public Health Unit. To see the NWT Routine Immunization schedule please view the Department of Health and Social Services website.
School Health
Immunizations are provided to students in the schools in Yellowknife, Dettah and Ndilo. An example would be the grade nine tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis immunization or the grade five Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV). If you are unsure of your child’s immunization status please contact the Yellowknife Public Health Unit.
Other services in the school include one on one health education and health promotion activities. Education provided may include sexual health. A resource that is helpful on sexual health is We also provide information to parents on various topics such as head lice
Breastfeeding Clinic
Having challenges with breastfeeding? Need some information about breast feeding? Need extra breastfeeding support? At the Breastfeeding Clinic you will have one on one support with a breastfeeding expert. Call Yellowknife Public Health at 920-6570 to book an appointment with a Maternal/Child nurse.
Where: Yellowknife Public Health Unit, 4702 Franklin Ave - please use the Franklin Ave entrance
Time: Tuesdays 1:00 to 4:00 P.M.
Make an appointment if:
1: You have problems with
- Latching
- Positioning/holding
- Cracked, sore nipples
- Mastitis
- Engorgement
- Infections
- Inverted nipples
2: You are concerned because your baby:
- Is not gaining weight
- Is always hungry
- Has thrush
- Refuses your breast
- Is teething
3: You have questions about:
- Not having enough milk
- Weaning your baby
- You need emotional or social support
Additional resources:
- Moms, Boobs and Babies - a peer breastfeeding support group.
- The group meets once a month. Visit Moms Boobs and Babies, call 444-3374 or email. Reliable information can be found at the Canadian Pediatric Society website and the International Brest Feeding Centre website.
- The Canadian Pediatric Society
- International Breast Feeding Centre
- Breastfeeding your Baby
- Infant Nutrition
Home Visits
Have you just had a baby? Once you are home from the hospital a public health nurse will call to organize a home visit. Home visits are scheduled Monday to Friday. If you are discharged on a Friday you will be contacted on the following Monday morning. Visits are to see how you, your baby and family are doing. The public health nurse will answer any questions you may have, provide support and information for infant care and feeding.
Here are a few resources to help you with your new baby:
- Immunize BC
- Yellowknife Community Resources
- Best Beginnings
- Infant Formula Feeding
Post-Natal Classes
Post-Natal Classes – Monday Afternoon Drop-In
Home alone? Want to get out and meet new parents? Want information on a variety of topics? Then these classes are for you.
Classes take place every Monday from September to June with the exception of statutory and civil holidays. There is no cost to attend and no need to register, just drop in and take part in the activities.
Where: Baker Community Centre, 5710 50th Ave, Yellowknife
Time: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM (for babies and parents)
Topics include:
- importance of play
- yoga for mom
- growth and development
- babywearing (carriers & slings)
- Introduction to public health
- salsa baby
- infant and child CPR
- baby massage
- adjusting to parenthood
- breast /artificial feeding
- feeding yourself as a new mom
- beginning solids and
- making baby food
This program is run jointly by the Yellowknife Public Health Unit and 'Moms, Boobs and Babies”. For more information call Yellowknife Public Health at 920-6570.
Well Child Clinics
A Well Child clinic is offered at Yellowknife Public Health. The clinic is for children from one month to 18 months of age. Each appointment is 45 minutes in length. At the appointment immunizations are given, a growth and development check is completed and information is provided. Call Yellowknife Public Health to book an appointment.
For the childhood immunization schedule please visit the Department of Health and Social Services website.