Primary Health Care Reform

Primary Health Care Reform (PHCR) 


In partnership with the Department of Health and Social Services and the Tlicho Community Services Agency, the NTHSSA is participating in six demonstration projects to test primary health care improvements, support relationship-building between clients
and our system, and provide best health, best care, and a better future for NWT residents. 

Taking place in Yellowknife, Fort Smith, and the Dehcho and Tlicho regions, these projects will allow us to test innovative new models and approaches. These projects will be the foundational work that contributes to the broader vision of a culturally safe health and social system that provides relationship-based care for each and every resident of the Northwest Territories.

All of the demonstration projects will be developed in keeping with the principles of cultural safety and the recently released cultural safety action plan. This will include priority training for all staff who are involved in these projects and the gathering and sharing of feedback as the changes we are hoping to test are being implemented. Each project will include opportunities for public feedback and community engagement.

Integrated Care Teams 

Integrated Care Teams are part of the PHCR model. 

In May 2024, the Łıwegǫ̀atì building opened in Yellowknife. As part of the move to this new building, a change was implemented that restructured the integrated care teams providing primary care services. There are now 4 integrated care teams established to ensure each team is more equally resourced and help balance workloads across teams.

Each of the 4 teams are comprised of both clinical and non-clinical staff who together have the expertise to provide the care you need. Teams may include a dedicated group of Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Licensed Practical Nurses, Community Health Nurses, and Program Assistants, as well as a variety of other shared support roles such as the Holistic Wellness Advisors, to ensure your unique needs are considered. 

Over time, these changes will mean that when you call to book an appointment, who you see may change based on your appointment needs, but it will be with the same team – ensuring the health care provider you see already knows about you, and your individual needs.  This also means that the time you must wait for the next appointment may be shortened because there are more options available to you and more people who are able to provide the care you need.


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