(Fort Smith, August 13, 2023) – With a change in approach for Fort Smith from an evacuation order to shelter in place for remaining residents, the Fort Smith Health Centre will remain open for limited emergency services.
(Yellowknife, August 13, 2023) – The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority is advising residents in Yellowknife that service levels may be reduced to support evacuation response efforts related to the Hay River and Fort Smith evacuation orders.
(Fort Smith, 6 pm, August 12, 2023) – Effective August 13, 2023, at 3:00 pm the Fort Smith Health Centre will close for services in response to the evacuation order issued by the Town of Fort Smith.
(Fort Smith – August 11, 2023) The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) is providing notice to the public about actions being taken in response to evacuation alert issued for Fort Smith on August 11, 2023.
(Fort Smith – August 6, 2023) The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority is providing an update in follow up to a previous p
(Yellowknife – August 4th, 2023) - On August 4th, 2023 at 5PM the Evacuation Reception Centre at the Yellowknife Multiplex will close as evacuees from Behchoko return to the community.
(Yellowknife July 31, 2023) Starting immediately, mandatory continuous masking in NWT health and social services facilities will no longer be required.
(Fort Smith – July 29, 2023) The Northwest Territories Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA) is providing notice to the public about impending actions being taken out of an abundance of caution related to ongoing wildfire activity in the Fort Smith area.